Qasidah Burdah Shareef (English Translation & Commentary) PDF Book

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The Burdah or the Prophet’s صلى الله عليه وسلم Mantle is a Qasidah (poem) composed by the great Sufi Shaykh Imam Sharafuddin Muhammad Al-Busiri عليه الرحمة who was born in 608 A.H. (1212 C.E) and passed away in 695 A.H. (1296 C.E).
Imam Busiri عليه الرحمة wrote this Qasidah after having suffered a stroke and being paralyzed in half his body. After compiling this Qasidah he went to sleep. He was granted the sacred opportunity, of seeing the Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in his dream, who placed His sacred hands over his body and covered him with His sacred shawl. Instantly he was cured. When he woke up, he observed that he was able to stand and move about. The next day when he came out of his house, he met a Dervish (Holy person) who was a stranger to him. The Dervish asked him to recite the Qasidah, which he had written in Praise of the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. He asked the Dervish which Qasidah he was referring to.
He said the one you recited in front of The Most Beloved صلى الله عليه وسلم in the blessed court last night. The news of this spread far and wide. Hence the Qasidah came to be called Qasidah tu’l Burdah and received veneration among all Muslims as a Qasidah especially approved by the Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. Its verses are often memorized and inscribed on the walls of public buildings. It is congregationally recited in the majalis (spiritual gatherings) of the Zaakireen (those who remember Allah Ta’ala) all over the world. It cures diseases as well as purifies hearts if recited with love and devotion.
Qasidah Burdah was translated from Arabic into many languages including Persian, Urdu, Latin, French, and English. This Qasidah is popular not only in the Middle East but also in India, Pakistan, Africa, etc. This Qasidah was inscribed in beautiful calligraphy on the roof of the domes of Masjid-e-Nabawi during the Turkish reign and it was there until 1972.
If this Qasidah is read with sincere devotion and cleanliness, everyone will derive spiritual benefits. The Qasidah is held in high esteem and reverence in all Islamic countries. The reciting and memorizing of it are regarded as a source of spiritual blessings. As you have just read that the author of this Qasidah gained great benefits, this Qasidah will continue to be heard and recited till the Day of Judgement, with the same devotion and reverence. In’sha’Allah! it will provide spiritual relief to the servants of the Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. May Allah Almighty grant us its benefits.